PRESENTING KATE EBERLE WALKER , CEO OF PRESENCE ON SPECIAL ED STAFFING SHORTAGES. Kate has also authored The Good Boss; Nine Ways Every Manager Can Support Women at Work
Everything we do is linked at the home website of The American Consortium for Equity in Education at and Compassionate Teaching Reset Professional Development
3The Excellence in Equity Awards Program
4.Our online journal ‘Equity& Access PreK12
5.the last two years of Education Talk Radio podcasts
The American Consortium for Equity in Education, publisher of the "Equity & Access" journal, celebrates and connects the educators, associations, community partners and industry leaders who are working to solve problems and create a more equitable environment for historically underserved pre K-12 students throughout the United States.
- American Consortium for Equity in Education
- American Consortium for Equity in Education
- American Consortium for Equity in Education
- American Consortium for Equity in Education