Excellence in Equity Awards

Kristina Holzweiss
Champion of Equity – Librarian or Media Specialist

Kristina Holzweiss
Champion of Equity – Librarian or Media Specialist

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Kristina Holzweiss, Ed Tech Librarian at Syosset High School in Syosset, New York

“Through my teaching approach, I aim to create an inclusive and supportive learning environment where every student can thrive and contribute their unique strengths. By combining technology and hands-on experiences, I enable students to overcome barriers and realize their full potential while fostering a sense of accomplishment and self-confidence.”

Kristina Holzweiss is an ed tech librarian on Long Island, New York and a strong advocate of school libraries. She was named School Library Journal’s School Librarian of the Year in 2015, a Library Journal Mover & Shaker, and a National School Board “20 to Watch” emerging education technology leader. She has presented at numerous conferences including ISTE, AASL, ALA, and NYSCATE, as well as at international workshops.

Kristina was invited to Washington, D.C. to represent her region during the National Week of Making and is the founder of SLIME (Students of Long Island Maker Expo). She is the co-author of Hacking School Libraries, and author of children’s books including eight makerspace books, My First Book of Trains, and My First Book of Airplanes. Kristina is also the creator of The School Library Planner by Demco and is featured in the STEM calendar “Princesses with Power Tools.”

Through a collaborative cross cutting project, students in the Syosset High School work-based learning program designed and installed a customized sensory walk for the Baylis Elementary School students. After learning about sensory walks, students brainstormed designs, figured out the amount of vinyl required, created forms to gather interest, pitched ideas through presentations, corresponded with school principals through email, and learned how to use the Cricut machine to design and cut the vinyl decals. Kristina Holzweiss provided guidance as former and present students completed the project.

Visit syossetschools.org/HighSchool

The 2024 Excellence in Equity Awards program was sponsored by:

September Strategies
September Strategies

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