Excellence in Equity Awards

Dr. Angello Villarreal
Champion of Equity – General Education Teacher


Dr. Angello Villarreal
Champion of Equity – General Education Teacher

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Dr. Angello Villarreal, Teacher at Freehold Township High School in New Jersey

Dr. Angello Villarreal teaches Spanish at Freehold Township High School and is a Spanish Adjunct Professor at Monmouth University. Dr. Villarreal was born and raised in Lima, Peru and, as a Hispanic immigrant and English Learner, draws on his own experiences to better serve students. Advocacy is a center of his philosophy, research, work, community service, mentorship and leadership. From creating after-school programs to leading different projects, Dr. Villarreal believes working with the community is critical for students’ success.

Dr. Villarreal has secured a mini-grant from ASCD, allocating resources to support students’ mental health and create safe spaces for his students. He has also been working to create called Young Males Circles, a support group that meets during lunch and creates safe spaces for group members and other students, some of whom may not have support at home.

Dr. Villarreal is also active in professional organizations and affiliations within the field. He serves as a Board of Directors for the National Association of School-University Partners (NASUP), serves in the Advisory Committee for the Social Justice Academy at Monmouth University, and serves as an adjunct professor at Monmouth University. For this 2023-2024 school-year, he has three chapter books in-press. He has recently presented as a keynote speaker at Princeton K-12 Parent Engagement night, NJEA Annual Convention: “The Teacher Leader in You”, and at Kean University – Delta Rho Chapter. He was selected as a National ASCD Champion in Education, nominated for National LatinX Educator of the Year, FTHS December Teacher of the Month, and he is being inducted into the Kean University – Delta Rho Chapter Honorary Member. He has received acknowledgements from NJ’s Governor Phil Murphy; State Senate; Representative Chris Smith; Senator Vin Gopal; Monmouth County Superintendent, and Congressman Andy Kim for his national awards and work towards education and equity.

Visit sites.google.com/view/mrvillarrealsportfolio

The 2024 Excellence in Equity Awards program was sponsored by:

September Strategies
September Strategies

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